Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Parchment corrections

New version of the opening movie, some edits to make it more cohesive with the rest of the game. Also received some script changes for word choice to make the story clearer.

You can check the game out at ultrarunway.com

Friday, April 5, 2013

Doodle time!

Felt like destressing, so while working on the titles for my animated short, I decided I wanted to make my title card look more hand drawn, came across this really nice photoshop pencil brush, and proceeded to get distracted doodling.
Self portrait doodle
Bear concept I've been messing with. Want to model it.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Putting the start in opening

So I finally finished compositing the opening movie for Paper Sorcerer, and I'm really excited to show it off.
I did the animation and editing, drawings and music by the game's developer, Jesse Gallagher.

Here it is:

Friday, February 22, 2013

Turnabout pickle

Another update on the pickle project!

Today is about concept progression, specifically about my current project, 'Dire Pickle'
It started with the idea of a film noir detective that is a pickle.

I was thinking about concepts for a movie poster composition.
It progressed to a colored graphic sort of piece. I was looking at Dick Tracy a bit for cues on how to handle blacks and colors.

And then I proceeded to a more detailed finished piece, trying to unify the piece by adding green throughout.

Next post, I'll talk about how this idea evolved into a concept for a 3D short.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Summer teaching

Hi, thought I'd post some old stuff.
Last summer I taught some summer workshops for ProjectFun, one of them a new one in After Effects, so I thought I'd share some of the examples I made for the kids. Real rough and dirty, but they show the type of effects/compositing I wanted kids to do in class.

I had developed the class curriculum with middle to high-school students in mind, so when I ended up teaching it to a group of ~8-year-olds I had to change up a lot of the material, but it was a very educational experience.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Quick pickle

Haven't posted in awhile, thought I'd toss up a recent exercise.

Above: the sculpt in Zbrush, then created lowpoly cage with projected normals.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Ship it.

Been doing some relatively high-poly modeling, a space ship.
First, a concept.
Then, onto higher poly stuff:

Then, retopo to a low poly model.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

A proof of progress

My pre-production is starting to come together for this semester's project.
First, some images:

And now my rough animatic:

Friday, February 10, 2012

A little flash in the pan

So for my flash class, I did this little vehicle cycle, so I thought I'd put it up here.

Maybe I'll go back later an put in somebody sitting on the seat.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

One class down

Three to go!

Finals week is busy, but here are a couple things I've gotten done since I last posted.

Redeeming Goddess
And here's the animation! It's been a long semester, but maybe it turned out well? Some spots where I didn't animate everything, but that's crunch for you.
Couldn't get the video embed to work, so one extra click for you guys.  Edit: Embedded the video, yay!

Friday, December 9, 2011

Kitty Pepper

Working on a little pet project, got a cute sketch out of it, thought I'd share:
It's for a cooking blog I help admin, spicysnacks. I'll plug it later, gotta run. :)

Friday, December 2, 2011

3D/reality blending

So as a playful exercise in compositing Max assets into an After Effects scene, or simply, putting 3D assets into photographic environments, I put my floursack model from awhile ago into my living room.
Sorry about the low resolution, I have a cheap camera, so it was the best I could do [on short notice].

Came out much better than I expected, and maybe easier? Also, I can see how this would work with video footage. It would take all of maybe half an hour more to do the same thing with an animation.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Lollipop Joust?

So it's been awhile since I last updated, been pretty busy with a heavy course load, so I'll just pop in with what I've got.
Biggest update is the page banner, which took me awhile to get around to.
Been working and reworking the banner for Lollipop Lance for awhile, and I'm pretty sure this is the final sketch. Took a long time to work out exactly how to get the image that was in my head onto paper, but I've finally got it!

Just recently got an awesome idea for the horrible beast she'll be up against, so expect that soonish.

Also going up tomorrow, some stuff from my big 3D project I'm working on at school.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Russian assassin

A character design in progress:
A cold Russian assassin, enjoying how it's progressing.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Character designs

 So I finally finalized that female hero, and also a character design of one of the guys in my class.
[Click for bigger version]